Sunday, September 25, 2011

Israel, Bunker Bombs, and the Middle East

It was recently reported that the US quietly "sold to Israel bombs which have the ability to incinerate buried targets, including suspected sites in Iran which are believed to be part of Tehran's nuclear weapons program." [1] (emphasis added) Thus, one must wonder if this is part of a larger plan by the United States to attack Iran at a later date.

Seeing as how there are no bunkers in Palestine, the only logical explanation for the US to even sell bunker busting bombs to Israel is if they were to be used in an attack on a foreign nation. There are several mutual enemies that Israel and America have, but no more so than Iran. Iran's nuclear program has alarmed the allies and both Israel and the US have had plans, at what time or another, to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. (Not to mention that the US has supported terrorist groups to destabilize Iran.) While neither nation acted on these plans, the fact of the matter is that their intention to end Iran's nuclear program by force if necessary, was revealed and the rhetoric of both nations on Iran's nuclear program has not declined.

Syria  could play a major role in a future attack on Iran as the US has actively been working to destabilize Syria, ie co-opting its protest movement. [2] The US is supporting the civil society Movement for Justice and Democracy which is "a moderate Islamist organization that publicly eschews any ideological agenda aside from ending the Assad regime through democratic reform." [3] The reports that Syria is still killing peaceful protesters could provide the US with a pretext to launch a "humanitarian intervention" as they did in Libya. The chances of this occurring until now have been somewhat low, but they have greatly increased now that it has been reported that the US has plans for a Syria without Al-Assad. Currently “ the Obama administration has begun to make plans for U.S. policy in the region after [Al-Assad] exits” and while most nations are calling their ambassadors back home, the  “Obama administration officials say they are leaving in place the U.S. ambassador, Robert Ford, despite the risks, so he can maintain contact with opposition leaders and the leaders of the country’s myriad sects and religious groups.” [4] The US and its allies may also be recruiting jihadists to Syria to fight the Al Assad regime. [5]

While there have been no military movements by the US or its NATO allies, it seems to possibly be shaping up to a situation where the US militarily intervenes in Syria. If that occurs, the intervention could potentially engulf the entire Middle East region. [6]



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